Possible Signs of Internet, Video Game, Phone, Social Media Addiction
- Excessive internet, computer or technology use
- Internet or technology use adversely impacts relationships, academics, or work/life balance
- Technology or internet use is concealed
- The amount of time spent interfacing with the computer, phone, internet or technology is denied or minimized
- Friends and family express concern about the amount of time spent interfacing with technology
- Difficulty extricating oneself from the device, computer, phone, tv, internet, or gaming device
- Internet, computer or technology use is not utilized for study or work*
When trying to stop or refrain from computer, internet or gaming the following withdrawal symptoms may be experienced:
- restlessness
- irritability
- lack of concentration
- dyssomnia
- anger and aggression
- computer/internet/technology/video game/device seeking
* Some with an active Internet addiction seek out online occupations and professional pursuits which allow them to maintain their online addiction (e.g., a programmer who works 16 hours a day, a business owner who develops a business enterprise which requires frequent use of computer, technology or an online interface). This allows users to excuse and/or minimize their excessive use of the computer (e.g., I need to be online frequently for my job, education, business pursuits.)